Heaven on Earth Mandala, Corinna Zubin Lyon

Heaven on Earth Mandala, Corinna Zubin Lyon

Guided Weekly Meditations for Peace
Mindful Melodies by Iris Moon

At times of anxiety and uncertainty, mindfulness meditation is a powerful way to refocus your energy on cultivating inner peace - the only place you can truly find it. Through this practice, we rediscover the beauty of life itself in the present moment and become the change we want to see in our world. Peace is the pathway that unites us, creating the environment of connected wellbeing we so desire, And when we practice together as a community, the peaceful calming energy is amplified collectively.

Guided by the work of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hahn
This yearlong journey is guided by the work of world renowned Zen Master and peace activist Thich Nhat Hahn, as the weekly meditations are from his book Moments of Mindfulness. He has inspired millions of people across the globe to follow the path of peace and now his messages will inspire us on our walk of peace together. More about Thich Nhat Hahn:

Start Listening
There are 52 meditations, one for each week of the year. Start with meditation #1 and listen to it every day for 7 days. Then go on to meditation #2 and so on throughout the year to bring peace and calm into your daily life.

“Our true home is the present moment. If we really live in the moment, our worries and hardships will disappear and we will discover life with all its miracles.”

Thich Nhat Hahn